Our Short Story The story begins at the train station and our main characters are facing each other on different platforms. The boy’s body language clearly indicates that he likes the girl, but she’s too immersed in her book to realise he’s even looking at her. A train then speeds past and blocks his view of her momentarily. When the train has gone, he goes to look at her once again but discovers that she’s moved on and accidentally left her book in the place she once sat. He keeps the book and returns it to the girl the following day, only this time the book has a note poking out of it with his number scrawled upon it. Soon after this development, our girl is seen applying make-up in a fancy outfit which suggests she’s going out; her joyful and smiling disposition showing how excited she is to be finally meeting with the boy from the train station. On the walls of her room, pictures of females such as Courtney Love and Marilyn Monroe can be seen, and the lighting from her fairl...
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